But then something happened. I was crossing the Pont Neuf one night when I looked up and saw the Eiffel Tower twinkling. I was utterly charmed. Now when I'm walking around Paris, I can't help but look for it. I know it isn't always within view, but without it, the Parisian skyline just isn't the same.
(Hard to believe it was considered a blight on the landscape when it was being built; sort of the way the Pyramids of the Louvre appeared to recent detractors.)
At least half of all the pictures I take every trip are of the Eiffel Tower. Many of those appear to be the same picture, taken at the same time of day, in the same spot. The Pont Neuf isn't actually the best place to take a shot--the Eiffel Tower appears a tinkertoy in the distance--only there's something about it in the sunset that always makes me stop and sigh and click indiscriminately away.

Which is why I now have dozens of Eiffel Tower everything: earrings, erasers, t-shirts and watches, prints, postcards, scarves and berets, books, puzzles, liqueur bottles and countless miniature towers, mousepads, keychains, coasters and cups, teatowels, cookie tins, a very cool cheese grater and giant wall sticker and of course, the inevitable snowglobes and fridge magnets. I could open a souvenir shop in my apartment--maybe call it Eiffel Tower EBay--and make enough to pay for my next trip to Paris.
Where to get everything Eiffel Tower
Interestingly enough, I've never found any souvenirs of the Eiffel Tower at the Eiffel Tower, where the shops are surprisingly lacklustre. The better shops are located along the rue Rivoli, across the Jardin de Tuilleries.
But my favourite shops by far are the following:
Pylones, a very cool design shop with locations all over Paris. I go to the one on Ile St-Louis, where I found my cheese grater and one-of-a-kind keychains with multiple multi-coloured towers.
Fragonard, a parfumeur where I've never bought perfume but have found these great little plates, hand-painted with the four seasons of the Eiffel Tower.(I don't even know if there's a word for these in English, but they're a catch-all for when you empty your pockets.)
The Swatch Shop in the Carrousel du Louvre for, what else, an Eiffel Tower Swatch.